September 2023 Newsetter
Fall has arrived, bringing with it crisp air, vibrant foliage, and the perfect backdrop for laughter-filled moments. As the leaves change, let’s embrace the season’s beauty and create memories that make us laugh until our cheeks ache. Whether it’s sharing funny stories by the bonfire or enjoying pumpkin-spiced everything, let’s savor every moment and make this fall unforgettable with joy and laughter.
Laugh Your Heart Out
It’s good for you
“I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh”
– Maya Angelou
I adore a good chuckle, not just any variety of chuckle, but a hearty one, the kind that leaves you gasping for air, clutching your midsection, and complaining about how much your face hurts for minutes after. The variety of laughter that arrives when all inhibitions are released, when there is no worry about what’s right, what’s acceptable, what’s proper, or how or what others are seeing.
I’m talking about laughter that urges you to reach out to someone, if only to avoid falling. Laughter that instantaneously invites others to this special place, even, or especially if they have no idea what you’re laughing about.
Laughter is such an innate, unlearned response. Infants begin to smile during the first few weeks of life and begin to laugh only months into their journey. It is awe-stirring that we are all born with this intrinsic affinity toward smiling and making noise out of pure delight for whatever we find funny.
For anyone who has felt incredible after a hearty laugh, the “measurable” benefits of laughter won’t come as a surprise. Here are eight of likely many more reasons we should all lean into a good belly laugh (or many) every day.
Seven Days of Inspiration
Day 1 – Unexpected miracles happen every day
Day 2 – You are someone’s inspiration and motivation
Day 3 – A hug is still one of the best gifts to give or get
Day 4 – You’re on your way
Day 5 – Sure, things go wrong. But more things go right.
Day 6 – Gratitude is good for you
Day 7 – There’s no limit to how great life can be!
-Woman’s World 8/28/23