Drug Rehab Ventura County

Evening Outpatient Program Ventura

Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient services are provided to those who have completed a residential treatment program to continue treatment in a structured program and/or needing routine structure to get their life back on track.

Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient understands that every person is unique in their symptoms and circumstances, and requires specialized planning in their addiction treatment and recovery process. We provide full and comprehensive assessments for each of our prospective clients, so that they receive the appropriate level of care, and a treatment plan specifically tailored to meet their individualized needs.

Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient Program provides the following activities and services:

Program and Activities

  • Group Sessions
  • Individual Sessions
  • Educational Planning
  • Recovery/Treatment Planning
  • Intensive Outpatient
  • Outpatient
  • Case Management
  • Holistic Services

Some of the more intensive therapeutic work occurs in the outpatient phase of the program, since the client is ready to go deeper into the roots of their emotional disturbances only after the fog associated with the first few weeks of being clean and sober has lifted.

Outpatient group sessions and one-on-one therapy is a continuation of the work they began with their therapists in the inpatient setting. During their time at Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient, clients will be challenged with more advanced concepts, and provided more of the important, concrete tools they’ll need to flourish and thrive in their lives. A focus will be placed upon ‘launching’ our clients, and transitioning them into life after treatment.

Here is a description of the activities and services at Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient:

Group Therapy

Group therapy and counseling sessions serve as a core aspect of successful alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Group sessions cover a variety of topics such as addiction education, relapse prevention, relationships, and life skills. Groups take place daily, Monday through Friday, and provide a safe, structured environment where people can learn about their addiction and receive support and encouragement from others who are also in treatment.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy and counseling sessions provide clients with the opportunity to educate themselves about their addiction, and to work on ways to sustain successful recovery in a one-on-one setting with licensed therapists, certified chemical dependency counselors, and vocational counselors. Therapists, counselors, and clients collaborate and work together to develop ways to maintain sobriety, prevent relapse, and build a full, responsible life. Each client receives at least one one-on-one session per week.

Educational Sessions

Educational Sessions can be provided in the individual or group setting. The goal is to provide clients with practical skills and tools that help with developing a functional understanding of everyday life outside of the treatment environment. Such topics can include resume building, financial planning, community services and relapse prevention.

Recovery/Treatment Planning

At Channel Islands Rehab Outpatient, we work with people who are motivated and willing to fully participate in their recovery, and who are voluntarily seeking treatment. Our specialty is the treatment of substance abuse and management of Co-Occurring Disorders such as Mood Disorders, PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression and other mental health related disorders.


Intensive Outpatient

The most intensive level of non-residential, non-inpatient care is Intensive Outpatient.  At this level, staff provide professionally directed evaluation in treatment of substance related, addictive, and co-occurring disorders.  At this level, individuals must have achieved a degree of stability that will allow them to fully engage in all therapeutic interventions, and must not have physical or psychological needs that require round-the-clock care. At this level, participants must also be capable of living independently, or must have other housing arrangements.



The Outpatient level is a non-residential level of service delivered in an outpatient office setting in which staff provide professionally directed evaluation in treatment of substance related, addictive, and co-occurring disorders. Services at this level may include: recovery/treatment planning, educational sessions, social/recreational activities, individual and group counseling sessions, case management, relapse prevention and information about and assistance in obtaining, health services, social services, vocational services and other community services.

Case Management

Every client will be assigned a Case Manager to assist them in meeting their personal, professional and economic stability while enrolled in our program. The following are examples of case management goals: Drivers License/ID, General Relief, Food Stamps, Court requested documents,

Holistic Services

Holistic services encompass nontraditional forms of therapy that assist in providing alternative coping mechanisms for alcohol and substance abuse treatment. Such therapeutic techniques include but are not limited to Neurofeedback, Somatic Experiencing, Yoga and/or Tai Chi, BreathWork and Meditation.

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