As a professional therapist, you recognize the many obstacles that client addicts face on the uncertain road back to long-lasting recovery. You are entrusted with building their confidence and instilling a positive mindset, yet faced with according them an honest assessment of the challenges ahead. Channel Islands Rehab Treatment Center can be a valuable partner in helping you to convey that balanced perspective to your patient. And we can lengthen and strengthen that chain of support that he or she will need to fully become well again.
Healing Built Upon Open Lines of Communication
The different treatment modalities that we offer have achieved excellent results, with their evidence-based approaches. You will find that many of them dovetail beautifully with your own methodologies, making Channel Islands a natural segue for this next stage of the healing process.
Our Total Immersion Method envelops the patient with compassionate care and support, featuring a full range of proven therapies, including integrated treatments focused on dual diagnosis. In this complex area, our team approach has generated excellent long-term outcomes.
We always keep open channels of communication between our staff and the personal therapists who have been treating our clients. This way, we can maintain consistency, both in the treatments and the messaging. Our overriding objective is to share common goals with you and the client, in order to accelerate recovery and make it permanent. We invite you to review our work, which has been hailed by professionals and clients alike for its passion, compassion and effective results.