Family Program

The Value of Family

Addiction is a family disease that touches those closest to you. So our Total Immersion Program includes your loved ones, who learn what you have been battling and how to heal from your addiction. Part of that learning experience involves our Sunshine Club, a dual-track, curriculum-based program for families with children. Its focus is to help your children cope with family situations, feelings, choices, and self-esteem. The idea is to teach them resiliency and to build strength within the family as a whole. This not only adds stability to their present lives but helps to lower their risk for future behavioral and substance-related problems. Our ultimate objective is to bring you and your loved ones back together again as a loving family unit.

Education That Leads to Understanding

We recognize the very negative impact that drug and alcohol addiction can have on a family. Even when the addiction has been mired in your family for years and various coping mechanisms are in place, there is an underlying dysfunction that can create long-lasting scars. Our knowledgeable experts work to educate you and your family members and to help everyone handle more effectively the trauma that addiction can cause.

The Sunshine Club – Brighter Days Ahead

Children are especially vulnerable in these situations. That’s where our Channel Islands Sunshine Club provides real illumination. Designed for children aged 4 through 17, the Club helps them to get in touch with their feelings and understand the decisions you as a parent have made. Kids learn how to become more resilient and find a greater sense of stability, which helps reduce their own risk for any possible future behavioral or substance abuse problems.

A Safe Place for Honest Talk

Whatever the issue, we cover it thoroughly in our Family Program, which delves into family roles, boundaries, co-dependency, depression, anxiety and the importance of good, constructive communication. Our sessions provide opportunities for all of your family members to voice their concerns, process their experiences and talk about their feelings within a safe, trusted environment. We also provide helpful materials and offer ongoing counseling to ensure that families in flux remain committed as a group to one another.

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