Channel Islands Rehab - April 2024 Newsletter
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April 2024 Newsletter

Did You Know…

  • In the Southern Hemisphere, April is the seasonal equivalent of October.
  • Those who were born in April have a diamond as their birthstone, which represents innocence. Their birth flowers are daisies and sweet peas.
  • There are two zodiac signs in April. Aries, which is until April 19th, and Taurus, which is April 20th and onwards.
  • April is a great month for meteor showers. One of which is the Lyrids meteor shower, which appears from April 16th to April 26th each year. There’s another one called the Eta Aquariids meteor shower that can be seen onwards from April 21st.
  • On April 14, 1912, the famous Titanic ship hit an iceberg and sank on her first and only voyage.
Channel Islands Rehab Summer Picnic 2024

Mark your calendars for June 2024!

We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming Alumni Summer Picnic, a day filled with sunshine, laughter, and community spirit. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates and details. We can’t wait to celebrate the summer with you!

April is National Volunteer Month

April is National Volunteer Month

April shines as National Volunteer Month, a time dedicated to applauding the selfless contributions of volunteers while igniting a spark of volunteerism in others. It’s more than a celebration; it’s a vibrant call to action for anyone looking to make a tangible impact on their community and beyond. Whether you’re drawn to preserving the beauty of nature, enriching your knowledge of history, or developing new skills, there’s a place for your passion and dedication. With opportunities sprawling from the great outdoors to historical sites, stands as your gateway to becoming part of something larger than yourself. This month, reaffirm your commitment to giving back, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover the profound benefits of volunteerism on your well-being and the world. Let’s embrace the power of volunteering and make a lasting difference together.

Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits

Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits

In a world bustling with activity, finding time to volunteer might seem like a challenge. Yet, the rewards of volunteering are boundless, not only for the causes and communities you serve but also for your own well-being. Amidst life’s whirlwind, National Volunteer Month stands as a beacon, urging us to pause, reflect, and embrace the profound impact of giving back.

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