Rehab California

Channel Islands Rehab welcomes individuals and families who need treatment for substance abuse issues and or mental health issues. Every family in America has been plagued by drugs in one way or another. Most of us have dealt with these issues ourselves at some point in our lives, or we have loved ones who battle addiction. The good news is that you are not alone in your battle. The bad news is that getting treatment for drug/alcohol dependency is a race against the clock. Individuals who do not get the help they need face one of the three outcomes that all addicted people face – jails, institutions, and death.

Channel Islands Rehab is a rehab in California that offers a wide range of drug and alcohol addiction treatment services, from A to Z. Much more than just another dyed in the wool rehab center, Channel Islands Rehab caters to its clients, customizing treatment plans according to the unique challenge that each of our patients faces. To speak with a drug and alcohol addiction treatment specialist or to verify your insurance. Call any time toll free at 800-675-7963.

Channel Islands Rehab Offers a Wide Selection of Rehab Services

Everyone’s recovery journal looks a little bit different when treatment plans are customized according to the needs, circumstances, goals, and challenges of each individual. Still, the standard treatment plan for a person with drug and or alcohol dependencies might look something like this:


For many drug and alcohol abusers, the road to recovery will begin with drug and alcohol detox. If this is your first step, you are in good hands. Channel Islands Rehab is proud to be the top rehab in California for drug and alcohol detoxification. We have the staff, facilities, and capabilities to keep people safe and comfortable during withdrawal.

Although it is paramount that abusers of drugs and alcohol stop using these substances, to do so on your own could be very difficult, even dangerous.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab

At Channel Islands Rehab, we use a variety of modern and traditional treatment methods, promoting sponsorship, accountability, and coping skills. Our treatment programs are tailored to treat the whole person, mind, body, and soul. We offer both residential inpatient and outpatient services, often assisting our program graduates in finding affordable sober living housing.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Did you know that more than half of all people who check themselves into a drug and alcohol treatment facility have underlying psychological disorders? These are known as dual diagnosis disorders. They occur when a person has an addiction and a mental health disorder. Sadly, these co-occurring disorders are often overlooked and attributed to symptoms or behaviors of addiction. At Channel Islands Rehab, we offer dual diagnosis treatment in an inpatient and outpatient setting.

Contact Us

Channel Islands Rehab is a rehab in California that is dedicated to helping people get clean and stay clean. We help people get clean by providing a California rehab setting that promotes overall wellness and healing. We also provide the tools that people need to stay clean long-term.

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