Detox Treatment Center

Channel Islands Rehab is the best detox treatment center in California with a highly qualified team of physicians, RNs, therapists, and admission officers. We use the most effective treatment modalities to help patients attain sobriety and a healthy state of mind.

Drugs that require detox

Not all individuals with an addiction problem require detox. Only patients who suffer from a severe addiction to substances such as heroin, inhalants, benzodiazepines, prescription pain pills, and methamphetamine require medical detox. 

During medical detox, a licensed physician will administer a series of drugs to mimic the effects of the drug on the individual’s body and mind. This helps decrease the withdrawal symptoms of quitting a drug cold turkey. During the detox process, our team of doctors and nurses monitor the patients 24/7 and keep track of their heart rate, blood sugar levels, temperature, etc.

Dangers of trying detoxing alone

Detoxing alone or at home in the absence of a skilled physician can turn fatal, especially in patients with long-term or severe addiction conditions. Individuals trying to quit drugs, cold turkey can suffer from adverse health complications such as seizures, aspiration pneumonia, heart arrhythmias, severe headache, and kidney or liver dysfunction.

Detoxing alone can be more dangerous than drug abuse, and it is crucial to approach a detox treatment center for help. Our team of doctors and nurses offer individual care and medical attention to detox patients in a fully-equipped treatment setting to tackle medical emergencies in the withdrawal phase.

Detox from marijuana, opioids, and heroin

Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused drugs, and detox from this drug is a lot less painful than other drugs. The best way to overcome the withdrawal symptoms is to stay hydrated and to engage in regular physical exercise. Some patients experience withdrawal symptoms such as mood changes, loss of appetite, headaches, and gastrointestinal problems in the first week after detox, which is easily manageable with medications.

Recovering addicts also suffer from mental symptoms like irritability, cravings, mood swings, loss of focus, and depression after quitting marijuana. We treat the mental symptoms using back to back behavioral therapies and evidence-based treatment programs. 

In the case of detox from opioids and heroin, withdrawal symptoms vary based on the type of drug abused. Withdrawal symptoms for heroin begin in a few hours after the last dose and include severe muscle pain, anxiety, runny nose, insomnia, and sweating. Patients with severe addictions suffer from diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, abdominal cramps, and rapid heart rate in the first week after detox. In the following weeks, it is not uncommon for recovering addicts to experience digestive issues, loss of appetite, and in rare cases, seizures. We also see heroin and opioid addiction patients suffer from complaints like insomnia, irritability, cravings, and depression for up to 6 months after detox.

Overcome addiction with Channel Islands Rehab by reaching out to us today. We are a top-rated detox treatment center with high-end amenities, infrastructure, and evidence-based treatment programs. We also offer substance-based treatment for patients suffering from addiction to opioids, heroin, cocaine, cannabis, etc.

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