Alcohol Rehab Oxnard

Alcohol is a legal drug, but prolonged drinking may cause severe health issues, legal trouble, mental illnesses, broken relationships, and acute addiction. If alcoholism is causing negative impacts in your life, it’s time to find professional alcohol rehab in Oxnard. The good news is that Channel Islands Rehab is nearby and waiting to help you beat alcoholism effectively.

What’s the role of rehab in treating alcohol addiction?

The primary role of a rehabilitation center in treating alcoholism is giving the struggling individual the skills to stop using alcohol and stay sober. In most cases, alcoholics are stigmatized and isolated by the community, which makes their condition even worse. Fortunately, alcohol treatment centers are there to help cater to those trying to beat addiction.

The rehabilitation facility is the best place to take anyone battling alcohol addiction. The following are some significant roles a rehab plays in the recovery of alcohol abuse:

  • Patient admission and orientation
  • Condition assessment and evaluation
  • Offering safe and proper alcohol detox
  • Treatment planning
  • Abstinence training
  • Counseling
  • Case management
  • Patient education
  • Crisis intervention
  • Medication management and much more

The right time to get into an alcohol treatment

In most cases, addicts/families/friends wait for too long before they say enough is enough; I need to find professional alcohol rehab in Oxnard. The more you wait, the worse the addiction gets resulting in more complex conditions and severe consequences.

The answer to “what’s the right time to get into alcohol rehab” should be – as soon as you notice any worrying signs. Here’re some of the common signs telling you that it’s time to get into rehab now and not later:

  • Alcoholism keeps you from going to work, school or important events
  • You try to quit drinking, but fail
  • Financial trouble caused by alcoholism
  • Legal issues due to your alcohol use
  • Unbearable family life caused by drinking behavior
  • Loss of memory
  • Unexplained accidents
  • Concerns from family/friends about your drinking
  • Withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking

Most effective alcohol treatment in Oxnard

Most people talk of 12-step groups or 28-day inpatient stays when they discuss alcohol treatment and may have difficulty naming other options. The truth is that we offer a wide range of integrative treatment programs to help you beat alcoholism and achieve lasting sobriety;

These treatment programs include:

  • Medications
  • Detox program
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Relapse prevention
  • Hemi-sync sound therapy
  • Aftercare services, etc.

Choose one of the best alcohol treatment centers in Oxnard

Are you looking for a reliable, professional treatment center for alcohol? You don’t have to run errands looking for one because we’re the best choice facility for treating alcoholism in the Oxnard community. We provide high-end rehab treatments, a serene environment, and a relaxing stay at our facility.

Choose Channel Islands Rehab today to start your recovery journey. Please feel free to contact us to speak with a highly-trained, compassionate counselor as you seek admission to our advanced and effective alcohol rehab in Oxnard.

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